247 research outputs found

    Feeding the cities through urban agriculture the community esteem value

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    The growth of global urban population produces an increase in food demand. With the aim of facing this demand, mainly concentrated in large urban areas, urban agriculture should be fostered to integrate traditional agriculture production, no longer considered sustainable. After suggesting the implementation of integrated systems of urban agriculture, in order to measure their social appreciation expressed by the community, the paper proposes the Community Esteem Value, obtained with a deliberative appraisal procedure

    Toward Integrated Urban Agricolture Systems: Economic and Valuation Aspects

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    The Paper defines an integrated urban agriculture system (A-URBIS), outlining the complications associated with its launching and implementation, and a methodological guidelines for the valuation of an A-URBIS, taking into account the inclusive and qualitative impacts on the community. Finally the Paper proposes a Direct Deliberative Monetary Valuation procedure which derives from the combination of a participatory deliberative process, which is necessary to develop instruments of direct democracy, and Stated Preference Techniques, which are essential to capture the value related to inclusive use

    A Monetary Measure of Inclusive Goods: The Concept of Deliberative Appraisal in the Context of Urban Agriculture

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    In the major U.S. and European cities (e.g., Detroit, Seattle, San Francisco, London, Paris, etc.) that since 2007 have been feeling the effects of the international economic crisis, regeneration processes have been set up thanks, among other things, to the synergic impact generated by urban agriculture (UA). There are numerous and greatly varied effects, linked to localization, that are consistent with the paradigm of sustainable development, although the sporadic, spontaneous, and discontinued nature of UA conditions its capacity to strongly influence an entire community. With a view to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of urban agriculture, and to facilitating its planning, this study puts forward the implementation of an organized and multifunctional agro-urban system. The consent of the population involved is vital for the creation and implementation of the system, therefore ascertaining not only the existence but also the level of social appreciation of this resource is of paramount importance. With the aim of providing a suitable methodology for ascertaining the social appreciation of the stakeholders in the agro-urban system, the paper puts forward a deliberative monetary appraisal that combines an economic valuation based on hypothetic scenarios with direct, inclusive, and dialogic approaches. In this paper we present: (1) a general overview of the main characteristics of urban agriculture and related problem

    Towards integrated urban agriculture systems: economic and valuation aspects

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    The Paper defines an integrated urban agriculture system (A-URBIS), outlining the complications associated with its launching and implementation, and a methodological guidelines for the valuation of an A-URBIS, taking into account the inclusive and qualitative impacts on the community. Finally the Paper proposes a Direct Deliberative Monetary Valuation procedure which derives from the combination of a participatory deliberative process, which is necessary to develop instruments of direct democracy, and Stated Preference Techniques, which are essential to capture the value related to inclusive use.The Paper defines an integrated urban agriculture system (A-URBIS), outlining the complications associated with its launching and implementation, and a methodological guidelines for the valuation of an A-URBIS, taking into account the inclusive and qualitative impacts on the community. Finally the Paper proposes a Direct Deliberative Monetary Valuation procedure which derives from the combination of a participatory deliberative process, which is necessary to develop instruments of direct democracy, and Stated Preference Techniques, which are essential to capture the value related to inclusive use

    Evaluating Appraisers’ Research: uncertainties and risks

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    This work was inspired by some of the ideas introduced during the CESET Meeting “Appraisal – University Education and Professional Practice”, that took place in Rome on November 19, 2010. This meeting aimed at drawing a balance of the status of appraisal discipline. In addition to that, the paper faces all the perspectives of research for this discipline following the reform of the University system in Italy. We will therefore offer some critical reflections developed in the light of the new measures adopted: regrouping of scientific-disciplinary sectors, introduction of national-scale qualification processes, definition of innovative criteria to evaluate research activities and their results

    The Italian Draft Law on the \u2018Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage\u2019

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    Intangible cultural heritage in Italy is still in need of a unified approach, capable of providing reliable criteria for identifying its assets and for indicating timescales and means by which they should be safeguarded. In the continued absence of up-to-date, ad hoc state legislation (since the content of those laws which do implement international Conventions is too generic in nature to be sufficiently effective), the Regions have proceeded to act in a somewhat scattered manner, giving rise to an extremely fragmented and very disorderly regulatory framework. The draft law N. 4486, "Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage", presented on 12th May 2017 at the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic - as the result of the work of an interdisciplinary and inter-university research team coordinated by Marco Giampieretti, who has drafted the final text with the collaboration of Simona Pinton - seeks to fill the serious void that exists in Italian legal system by aligning it to the principles of international and European law, by redirecting the relevant State and Regional legislation, and by satisfying the fundamental requirements of the national community

    Valorizzazione dei beni pubblici e sviluppo del territorio. Aspetti attuativi e valutativi di progetti complessi

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    Nel corso degli ultimi anni, per un verso si è assistito al forte incremento della domanda di beni pubblici; per un altro, al progressivo degrado fisico e funzionale di quelli esistenti. È così che, all’impegno di provvedere alla produzione di nuovi beni pubblici, sì è reso necessario associare un azione di recupero di quelli abbandonati o decadenti. In un’accezione dinamica la valorizzazione può considerarsi lo strumento per il recupero di questi beni. La natura dei beni pubblici e dei grandi progetti che li contengono obbliga ad approcci di tipo complesso. Lo scenario in cui operare per attuare progetti complessi è molto problematico. In tale contesto la valutazione può assumere una valenza risolutiva dei problemi esistenti, nel senso che il suo apparato cognitivo può aiutare a costruire o selezionare strategie attuative di maggiore preferibilità sotto il profilo dell’efficienza, della giustizia, della sicurezza. In effetti, si tratta di impiegare a tutto campo il concetto di valutazione. L’impianto teorico-metodologico della disciplina della valutazione nel settore delle scelte urbanistiche da tempo si è posto il problema di internalizzare il contributo ottenuto dai processi partecipativi. Ciò ha portato alla strutturazione di approcci valutativi basati sul punto di vista della collettività. Negli anni più recenti in merito al problema della partecipazione pubblica alle scelte per il territorio, la metodologia valutativa si è notevolmente sviluppata sulla spinta delle tematiche ambientali e di alcuni provvedimenti comunitari. Si può sostenere che l’approccio valutativo multidimensionale abbia la capacità non solo di recepire le istanze scientifiche ed operative poste dai processi di partecipazione ma anche di migliorare, evidenziare e strutturare l’apporto degli stessi contesti partecipativi